Rabu, 30 November 2011

Making money as a designer.

Making money online as a designer (graphic, web, logo, banners designer)is easiest way for someone who have a good talent in design field.

there is many site that available many projects for this job for designers. You can work as freelance designer or contestant designer.

Here the sample of the sites , where you join with:
1. 99designs.com
2. Designcrowd.com
3. Crowdspring.com
4. Freelancer.com
5. Odesk.com
6. etc.

you can find and doing many projects everyday...and start earning the money. Real money for easy jobs.

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

How to get traffic to website fast, online.

Learn how to get traffic in the internet for new site or blog is very important for us.

There is many tutorials, articles and videos in the internet that available for this pupose. Just use google or yahoo search engine.

On my method there is some tricks how to get traffic quickly. But most of them is need to be patient and need some efforts and hard working, event need money too.

1. If you have many programs that you have joine with, it's better if you do placing it in one place that is a blog. Blogger.com is the best service for us as a beginner for blogging. They have complete services for blogging, like free template, free hosting, free stuffs and free domain name. This is good for SEO method for long time traffic. Don't forget to make huge links for link popularity of your site/blog that is link building method.

2. But if you just have a little program that you have join with. Or event maybe only one program. You are not need a blog. Just using paid advertising or free traffic services.

Paid advertising :

Paid advertising is more useful for our traffic, it's very efficient and effective for our site what ever your wish (for getting many referalls or just getting huge visitors). There is some good paid advertising methods like point to click method or paid to click method, promote to view method, and click grid....and banners impressions. But it's all of the method is depend on your banner look like. Use 468X60 banner with woow factor, it's mean use very impressive banner ads that people may interesting click your banner.
You can use donkeymails.com for all the method , with more than 700,000 members it's very nice for our site. You may use clixense.com too, this site have over 1,600,000 members.It's better if you will read in this my article.

Don't forget to use paid advertising in ads network like adhitz.com.... this site have many sites (partners) with their great behavior.

Free advertising :

Doing advertise for our site /blog on free advertising is good but not easy. But basicly this method is really working for making some traffics for our site. The number of visitors is a little but we can make it increase significant depends on our efforts. The example of the method for free advertising is traffic exchange, safelist, classified ads, forums, viral traffic etc.
Join in at least 5 traffic exchange actively, and join in at least 5 safelist sites actively, join in at least 2 classified ads sites actively, will give good visitors for our site.

How to get free traffic instantly is very easy for everyone, what you have to do is join the sites and be actively to make earn credits. Then you can send out your message (email) based on your credits. You must giving an attention on your subject (make it so impressive), and make the content is simple and make the font you used in large size.

You will get at least 100 unique visitors perday just on 5 safelist sites and 5 traffic exchange sites, depend on your activity. It's free. Based on my experience.

Profitable Email Marketing

Your 1:1 Traffic Exchange
Dragon Surf


Minggu, 25 September 2011

make money online, how to get $18 per sign up confirmed

This is the time for a serious people who looking for a great opportunity to making money on the internet.

This is a real make money fast in the internet, can you imagine if you can referr 1000 peoples to join in? it's about just $18.000 in your account, how about 10.000 peoples?.

I think if we know about the strategies of marketing of this program, we will become a millioner in short time. Just read my article in another page in this blog, about how to make money at home on line.

This make money easy program is in the dating site that is cupid.com. But there is another 30 sites similar cupid.com available for you. you can find them all in the site (cupid.com).

There is 4 ways that you can make money as an affiliate of the site:

1. Get $18 per sign up confirmed
2. earn $125 per Each Paid Order
3. Earn 90% per Each Paid Order + Bonus per each confirmed registration.
4. 5% their revenue of each affiliate that you refer.
They provide 5 payment systems for withdraw your earning (money) into your bank account or your payment processor, like paypal, alertpay, payoneer, Bank transfer, and checque.

I think this site is very nice, have a good looking ...and I feel it's professional enough, for serious business. And ofcourse it's very nice for serious peoples who want to make money from home easy and fast.

Selasa, 20 September 2011

How to make money online easy as a second income

Learn how to make money at internet, through free blogging like I do. That is from blogger.com. it's meaning free domain name, free hosting, free template, free stuffs (like email submitter box, traffic counter, etc), free access of the code,and easy to use and change it, including put some advertising on it.

*** The first step to know how to make money from home is you must doing a research about the money program that offered you free join and can make huge money without spending money from them. For this example is affiliate program.
Use keywords in google search engine or yahoo.., then you will see what the site on pages of google.

*** Second step is make a free blog from blogger.com, but you must doing some research for finding a free good domain name for you 'how to make money easy' of the blog. For this functional you can use google keywords tool for inspiration.

*** 3rd step, now you can write any topic about making money program, like PTC program, traffic for the site, SEO tips and tricks, how to make money in affiliate program, make money as a programer, etc. The content of your article must be unique with some keywords on it, you must give attention about keyword density (2-5%) and keyword prominence. And don't forget always to doing some researchs about keyword that related about the topic before you start to make an article.

**** 4th step, start to introduce your site to some search engines, some directories, putting the link on some forums in your signature, making huge comenting on other blogs with keyword as your name, and join in some social networks, put your link in your profile, or maybe you will pay for link builder services to make huge backlinks fast and easy.

**** 5th step, maybe you will join some traffic instant programs, like some safelist sites, some traffic exchanges, some downline builders, some viral system sites and PTC sites...

1. safelist sites :
freesafelistmailer(free), globalsafelist (free), adtactics (free), businessworldlist, (free), elixirsafelist(one time fee)
2. Traffic exchange sites:
easyhits4u, ilovehits, dragonsurf
3. Viral system sites :
vtrafficrush, freeviral, rue010.01viral
4. PTC sites:
see the detail on this link
5. Downline builder:
Getref, copy4wealth

**** 6th step, making a combination of resources for how to make money on online,like as a programmer, a freelance designer, a freelance writer (content writer, copywriter, translator), Cpa lead, adsense, clickbank, e commerce, etc.

We all are know that make money on line is not easy but learn and try on how to make money at home, and as a freelance designer, writer, seller, programmer, affilater and referral program is always interesting ways for everyone who want to make money as second income.

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Peluang usaha di internet suatu cara untuk memperoleh uang

Peluang usaha adalah suatu keniscayaan dan suatu kenyataan dalam dunia yang serba samar (maya/internet).

Apabila anda masih menginginkan tambahan pendapatan, dikarenakan pendapatan anda selama ini dirasa kurang mencukupi. Ada baiknya mencoba peluang usaha lewat internet. Ada begitu banyak jenis peluang usaha ini yang ditawarkan secara online. Tetapi semuanya tidak benar benar gratis. Ada beberapa persyaratan yang harus anda penuhi sebelum terjun menekuni peluang usaha secara online ini, antara lain:
1. keinginan yang kuat.
2. pengetahuan yang baik terhadap hal yang akan ditekuni.
3. ketekunan dan kesabaran.
4. Waktu yang cukup.
5. kreatifitas dan kecerdasan.
6. tenaga ekstra.
7. uang...untuk membayar warnet atau membayar tagihan sambungan internet.
8. keuletan... (jangan pernah merasa putus asa apabila gagal sekali atau dua kali).
9. sosialisasi ke lingkungan (online ataupun offline).
10. ke waspadaan terhadap tindakan scamming.

Motivasi pencarian uang dalam menekuni berbagai peluang usaha di internet adalah hal paling utama, apapun profesi anda saat ini. Jenis-jenis peluang usaha dalam rangka mencari uang tambahan, dapat di golongkan :
1. sebagai affiliate program (adsense, clickbank, amazon, ebay...dsb.).
2. sebagai refferal program ( PTC (paid to click), PTR (paid to read), PTS, PTW).
3. Sebagai seorang penulis (review, pembuat ebook, pembuat content situs, penulis komentar, penterjemah, dsb).
4. sebagai seorang designer (logo, situs, banner, cover ebook, ikon, emblem, kaos, dsb).
5. sebagai seorang programmer (php, html, xhtml, java, asp, mysql, dsb).
6. sebagai seorang developer (seo, link builder, dsb).
7. sebagai seller ( ebook, graphic design, elektronik, kaos, rokok, dsb).
8. sebagai seorang publisher (blogger, cpa, pihak ketiga (tempat penjual jasa....e-commerce, B2b, dll),dsb.
9. Sebagai pelaku jual beli di forex, pasar saham, dan pasar komoditas.

Sedangkan uang yang telah diperoleh dari hasil bermacam peluang usaha tersebut, dapat dicairkan dan di kirimkan ke rekening bank kita dengan menggunakan jasa pihak ketiga seperti paypal, liberty reserve, e-gold, alertpay, dsb, secara langsung atau dengan menggunakan credit card juga debit card (kartu ATM). Dan juga jangan dilupakan peran jasa jual beli uang dari situs tersebut diatas.
Ada satu kemudahan dalam peluang usaha itu dalam memperoleh refferal (terutama untuk situs-situs PTC) yaitu situs downline builder yang gratis untuk menjadi anggotanya, Seperti:

copy4wealth.com .........ini termasuk PTC, massive income, social netwok, safelist. megadownlinebuilder.com ..........khusus untuk PTC (paid to click program), fiturnya lebih lengkap.

Dengan mengikuti program downline builder tersebut, kita akan dimudahkan dalam merekrut member-member baru kita di berbagai situs yang ada didalamnya dalam mengikuti peluang usaha sama seperti kita. Keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh adalah:
1. Effisiensi usaha.....semisal, kita mengikuti 50 situs PTc, maka kita hanya perlu mempromosikan satu link saja, yaitu link dari downline builder itu.
2. Effiensi waktu ..... hal ini akan meringkas waktu dalam promosi yang cukup berarti.
3. Penghematan uang untuk promosi.

selamat menikmati tulisan ini, selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses dalam menjalankan peluang usaha ini.

468 X60 copy4wealth